Thirty in Thirty, 2014: Florist’s Window ll

Florist's Window ll_copyright_2014_michaela_harlow_pastel_on_paper_michaelaaharlow.comFlorist’s Window II, 2014 – Michaela Harlow – 12″ x 12″ pastel on paper (14″ x 17″)

After I finished work on yesterday’s pastel, I immediately started work on this little piece. Frost-covered windows and blossoms obscured beyond glass: suddenly, I am quite obsessed. Flowers. How odd that I almost never paint flowers, and when I do, they are dead or broken. It occurs to me that up until now, I haven’t known what I want to say about them, or how. If you know me well, this is of course, hilarious. Nothing occupies so much of my time —April through November— as flowers!

Of course, for the past few years, my studio hours have been restricted to the winter months. That is about to change dramatically, but it still doesn’t explain why I never use flowers in my work. Well, here they are! True, they are behind frosty glass —but I feel like they are here to stay for awhile. I’m excited about this series and eager to continue pursuing it on panel next month.

Hello flowers. It’s good to see you this winter. Florist’s Window, II.

Florist's_Window_ll_copyright_2014_michaela_harlow_pastel_on_paper_michaelaharlow.com_in_the_studio Florist’s Window II, 2014, on the studio work table

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  1. Jen January 29, 2014 at 12:14 am #

    Yeah, I always figured that the lack of flowers (not dead or broken) in your work only had to do with the season in which you had studio time. I’m eager to see more flowers and more other seasons represented with your eye, in your style. Coming to you live from Austin, TX! You’ve got some collectors down here in San Antonio, right?

  2. Michaela January 29, 2014 at 11:33 am #

    Ah yes, to the outside world, it probably seems that I live in a permanent polar vortex! No more of that! Have a great time in the Lone Star State. It’s one of my favorite destinations, though it has been far too long. Yes. Actually, a number of my creations are living in San Antonio, Texas and there are a few in Austin, Houston and Dallas. There are many, many more pieces living in New Mexico and the far west. I like to think that I live vicariously though my paintings …They are hanging out (so to speak), in some amazing places! Enjoy the music! x