Spring Light on Green River

Spring Light on Green River, 2014 - copyright Michaela Harlow - michaelaharlow.comSpring Light on Green River, 2014 – Michaela Harlow – 10″ x 16″, pastel on paper (12″ x 18″)

As the remaining days of May dwindle, I find myself looking forward to a rather tight schedule in June. I have three garden installations to complete over the next two weeks and several garden designs due before the end of next month. When will I find time to paint, to explore other artists work and new exhibition opportunities? It’s going to be complicated. Or not.

A flat tire on Sunday threw a surprise curve ball at my plans. No Paradise City Arts Festival for me. Instead, I spent the afternoon wrestling with jacks, wrenches, lug nuts and stubborn tires. I took a stress break mid-way through the process and walked down to Green River. It was luminous and lovely; dancing with leafy branch shadows and sparkling sunlight. Hopefully, the rest of the week will be a bit smoother!

spring light on green river - copyright michaela harlow - in process

Spring Light on Green River, work in process


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  1. Jen A. May 28, 2014 at 9:43 pm #

    It’s exciting to watch your color-use change with the seasons, how your inspirations are still the woods, flowers, fields, rivers, streams, sky but informed by Spring instead of Winter. So happy to follow the evolution. This piece makes my eyes happy, makes me want to put on a dress and feel breezes against my legs, be up to my shins in a cold stream on a warm day.

  2. Michaela May 29, 2014 at 6:07 am #

    This comment is so beautiful, that I plan to print it and put it up above my desk on the wall. Thank you. xx