Weekend Work: Clouded Glass

20140607-082033-30033384.jpgClouded Glass, 2014 – Michaela Harlow – 16″ x 10″, pastel on paper (18″ x 12″) 

This is going to be a long, hot, working weekend  . . .But I won’t be painting in the studio. I have to play catch-up on some garden design installations today and tomorrow, due to weekday rain and delivery delays. I’m glad that I was able to make use of the time to create some new pieces during the deluge.

While standing in the garden room last week —staring out at the pouring rain through foggy windows and lamenting the unkempt state of my own secret garden— I noticed the wind had torn loose a vine from the wall. I found myself hypnotized by long, green tendrils, rhythmically flapping against the glass door. The view changed with the light as clouds shifted above. Amazing how losing yourself in something so simple can be so soothing. A moment of quiet meditation in an utterly chaotic week.

20140607-083045-30645533.jpg Working on ‘Clouded Glass’. Meditation on a rainy day.

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