State of the Studio: Days of Priming & Archiving

Green Green River, 2011 – Michaela Harlow – Oil on Panel, 24″ x 24″

The past two days have been busy ones here in my studio. I’ve been priming larger panels for new work and archiving more pieces for the website.

I just finished the first layer of gesso on a number of 3′ x 3′ panels and another group of vertical pieces with 3′ and 4′ dimensions. Next, I need to prime a group of 4′ x 4’s. I try to do this during dry weather, so that I can fling open the dogtrot doors and keep dust to a minimum by sanding panels outside on the terrace.

I’m very excited to get going on some larger work and to break out the oil paint.

20140717-213728-77848873.jpg Priming panels with gesso isn’t the most exciting way to spend an afternoon. But I love these barefoot, summer days in the studio; doors open to warm sunshine and Portuguese music floating on the breeze.

20140717-213802-77882007.jpg And now I have a room filled with big, blank pages. So exciting.

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