Seven Summers IV

20140804-131907-47947210.jpgSeven Summers IV, 2014 – Michaela Harlow – Pastel on Paper, 10″ x 15″ 

August is such a voluptuous month. The gardens are all spilling over, blowzy onto the lawn. And colorful songbirds are everywhere. Have you seen the Cedar Waxwings, the Goldfinches, the Indigo Buntings? There are so many this year.

But oh, what a busy time of the year. Looking at my calendar, and all of the exciting things that I want to do, I can’t imagine how I will fit everything in! Somehow I will make it work. And if not, there’s always September.

One of my top priorities this month is to begin the process of scanning work and making prints available online in my new gallery shop. I had a nice chat today with Paul at Panopticon Imaging about an upcoming series of prints. The hard part is deciding which paintings to offer first. Pastels are easier to transport and smaller in size, so I will likely begin with work in this medium. I’ll be offering prints from the Seven Summers series, and plan to have those scanned over the next two weeks. But what else? Do you have any favorites . . .Paintings you would love to see available as affordable prints? I’m having a hard time choosing, and I’m open to your suggestions!

20140804-131959-47999748.jpg Seven Summers IV, on the worktable 

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