September Waters III, 2014 – Michaela Harlow – Pastel on Handmade, Deckle-Edged Paper, 12″ x 14.5″
 Another quick trip to Boston yesterday to sign a print for a friend, deliver more small pastels to be scanned, and grab a quick lunch. It’s exciting to see interest building in the archival prints. I will be adding some slightly larger pieces to the online gallery/shop tomorrow, and another group of smaller pieces again, in a couple of weeks. While at Panopticon, I spoke with Paul about my recent work on handmade paper and was thrilled to hear that deckle edging will be available for upcoming prints. I honestly can’t wait to give that a try, even though I understand it’s a bit tedious —sorry Paul, but you did bring it to my attention!
In other news, the sheer volume of work in my studio is becoming problematic. I’ve no room to move and I’m desperate for a large, flat file system for work on paper and a rolling rack for new oil paintings. So much research and shopping to do!
 Working on September Waters III in the studio today. Gemstone colors swirl in cool currants as summer shifts to autumn: carnelian, topaz, smoky quartz, peridot, chrysoprase & aquamarine.
Meanwhile, back in the studio . . . I’ve been inspired by the backlit, gemstone hues of the late-summer forest lately, and recently rediscovered the pleasures of wearing chunky, luminous stone rings. I especially love gazing upon colorful gemstones, reminiscent of woodland pools. Working with pastels, the chalky pigments wick oil and moisture from my hands and they get very dry. Sometimes, they get so painfully dry that tiny fissures crack open and bleed. I try to remind myself to slather on hand cream daily and to take better care of these two most important assets: my hands. I ask a lot of them every day, and I need to start treating them with the respect they deserve.