Arrow Wood, 2014 – Michaela Harlow – Pastel on Coldpress, Deckle-Edge Paper, 20″ x 16″
O R I G I N A L  S O L D   –   A R C H I V A L  P R I N T S   A V A I L A B L E
Viburnum acerifolium leaves are one of autumn’s great joys. Commonly known as Arrow-wood or Maple-leaf Viburnum, this native shrub is a fairly non-descript, green, scruffy-looking plant during the summer months. But come cool weather, it pulls a Cinderella act. After a touch of frost, the leaves turn a distinctive rosy, cobalt-violet hue —sometimes with crazy shocks of magenta and orange— before fading to a ghostly, cream or green-tinted white. When I see an October understory filled with this technicolor beauty, I have been known to squeal with delight. And don’t even get me started on Rhus typhina. That one deserves an entire series all its own.
 Working on Arrow Wood, on a very, very rainy day.