Autumn Rain, 2014 – Michaela Harlow – Pastel on Cold Press, Deckle-Edge Paper, 20″ x 16″
O R I G I N A L Â Â S O L D Â Â – Â Â A R C H I V A L Â Â P R I N T S Â Â A V A I L A B L E
I started on this piece yesterday afternoon —all luminous grey, turquoise and ochre— and thought about it while my coffee brewed this morning. Even at 7am, it was still too dark to begin painting. It feels like the daylight hours are slipping away, and it creates a certain kind of urgency in me. I feel compelled to begin work as early as possible. In summer, I’m up by 5am. These days, I’m dragging out of bed into the 6am darkness.
I’m a tangle of emotion today.
 Darker when wet, one of the tricks to working with fixative is knowing when the saturation of color is right. Today I found a pleasing balance and walked away.