
IMG_0903.JPG Trace, 2014 – Michaela Harlow – Pastel on Cold Press, Deckle-Edge Paper, 20″ x 16″ 

Hello Daylight Standard Time. Oh, it’s so good to have morning light back in my studio at 6am. Yes, it’s odd to see the street lamps switch on in town at 5pm, but I’ve never been a fan of rising in the dark. I wake up with so many ideas these days and I am so much more productive in the early hours.

Winter-like winds blew in today —knocking down more leaves from the forest canopy and rattling my studio windows— a chilling prelude of things to come. I had a fire going the wood stove all day to warm the bones.

IMG_0908.JPGTools are great for pastel work, but sometimes nothing beats fingertips for blending


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