“Who Robbed the Woods: Paintings from the Forest” Opens Friday, December 5th at 5:30 pm in Brattleboro, Vermont

Who Robbed the Woods - E-Vite Announcement

I’ve been very busy over the past week, preparing for my upcoming exhibit, “Who Robbed the Woods: Paintings from the Forest”. The show’s opening reception is Friday, December 5th from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. at 133 Main Street, Brattleboro, Vermont. The opening coincides with Brattleboro’s First Friday and a percentage of the proceeds from sales during Gallery Walk will be donated to the Halifax Conservation Group. Although I am not a member of this organization, I very much support the cause.

My home and studio could be severely and negatively affected by a stone quarry proposed by a Massachusetts developer. My studio is a half mile from the planned excavation site. The close proximity of the quarry, and the fact that it is planned within a zoned conservation district, makes this a personal, environmental and economic issue for me. I am very grateful for the work that the HCG is doing to protect this beautiful area of Halifax from the threat of development. Through this exhibit of my artwork, I hope to both raise funds for the group’s expenses and make the local public more aware of the environmental impact of the proposed quarry. The funds I donate will be used by the HCG to fight the developers as they seek an Act 250 permit from the State of Vermont.

Today’s projects: hang show announcement posters around Windham county, prepare selections of pastels to drop off at Zephyr Designs for final frame fitting, clean up and bag the ready-to-hang pieces here at the studio and begin a plan for the show’s layout.

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