Whirlwind December Days & Recent/Upcoming Exhibits

IMG_2326.JPGMoving pieces around the gallery space in preparation for next Friday’s upcoming exhibit at Studio 314, 450 Harrison Avenue, Boston

December has been a busy month, and I’ve had little time for posting photos or journaling. But with an exhibit opening on First Friday in Boston’s SoWa Arts District, my schedule for January of 2015 also looks quite full.

I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who came out to see and support “Who Robbed the Woods: Paintings from the Forest” in Brattleboro, Vermont. What a wonderful turn-out and fantastic reception for a spontaneous exhibit and fundraiser for the HCG. I am so grateful to those of you who left donations in the jar and to those who purchased prints and original pastels. The show was a great success on many levels.

No sooner did I take down paintings in Brattleboro, Vermont, than I re-hung them within a week in Boston, Massachusetts. And let’s not forget that big holiday in-between. Wow. What a whirlwind of days!

Happy New Year Friends. I will be back tomorrow with a post about the upcoming show at Studio 314, 450 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA.

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