Category Archives: Winter Paintings


A Mind of Winter: Paintings, Drawings & Mixed Media Collage Exhibiting November 14th, 2019 through February 11th, 2020 Next Stage Arts Gallery, Putney, Vermont

Winter Orchard, 2019. Oil, Salvaged Aluminum and Stainless Steel Nails on Birch Panel   A    M I N D    O F    W I N T E R P A I N T […]

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Still Life with Frozen Branches

Still Life with Frozen Branches, 2016, Oil and Graphite on 3′ x 2′ Wood Panel (click all the way through to enlarge image) Wayward hemlock branches —knocked loose by winter storms— inspire as they emerge […]

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 Winterland, 2016 – Oil and Graphite on 36″ x 24″ Wood Panel Inspired by a week of shifting light, lines, ice jams and frost patterns on Green River. … 

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S  O  L  D  Migration, 2016, Oil and Graphite on 2′ x 4′ Constructed Wood Panel (for more detail, click image several times to enlarge)  …

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